How to Reach Financial Freedom?

6 min readAug 12, 2021

Financial Freedom has a different meaning for each person. Yet, there are things you need to understand to reach Your Own Financial Freedom.

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For some people, financial freedom may mean being their own boss. To be independent. Be able to provide for their family.

For others, it may be a calm and quiet life. A steady job while earning a side income. Not having to worry about bills.

As long as you have a plan and goals defined, anything is possible.

There are crucial factors that will help you change your life.

Let’s talk about each one in detail.

1. Who you are and what you want

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This may be the most important point. Knowing who you are.

This is a question that many never discover. Some people die without knowing who they are or what they could do.

That is why awareness is so important.

Ask yourself every day. Who am I?

Many spend a lifetime not doing what they enjoy.

Many feel obliged to please others.

Are you happy with your job?

Are you happy in your relationship?

This is perhaps the most difficult task of our lives. Finding out who we are.

Even Elon Musk and Hollywood Billionaires don’t know who they are. They struggle every day to find out who they are.

However, there are ways to help you get closer to an answer.

We receive thousands of information every day.

This makes us deal with a lot of emotions.

All this information and emotional stress cause a fog that doesn’t allow us to make the best decisions.

Meditation and Work Out will help you clear your mind.

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If you have never meditated. Try it. Even if only 5 minutes per day.

In a couple of weeks, you will see the difference.

Meditation and Work Out will help you relax and make better decisions, with more clarity.

Step by step you will get closer to know the real you.

What do I want to do with my life?

First, define a goal in the long term. Try to define what you want for the long term.

Then, set your goal for the short term.

After having defined a goal for the long term, it is easier to define your goal in the short term.

You may have the long-term goal to be with your family without financial concerns. While the short-term goal may be to have your own business.

It all depends on You. What you want.

You are free to do anything you want.

Once you realize this, it will help you reach financial freedom.

2. How society works

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To be a Successful Investor is important to understand How Society works.

If you are an Investor in Football Betting, you need to understand that football is about money.

Recognizing where the power is centered, who makes decisions, will help your success.

For example, you can notice some connections between clubs and their relationships.

This may impact the bottom line and you can use it to make a profit on your investment.

The same applies to cryptocurrency.

Although it is a very recent market, it can already be seen the centralization of power. Even if it is contradictory to the definition of cryptocurrency.

Understanding where the power is will help you to select an investment and benefit from its performance.

3. Understand the value of money

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Knowing the value of money is crucial to achieving financial freedom.

Learn the History of Money and its characteristics, even if only in a generalistic way.

Value what the money is worth.

Do not live for money.

Do not do everything for money.

This is a key principle to success.

If you live for money you are wasting your future.

Understand the real value of money and you will be much more successful.

4. Manage Personal Finances

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Now that you have sorted some “theoretical” factors, you need to get into practice.

At this point, you need to define your financial goals and properly manage your finances.

Make a long-term plan.

For example, make a 5-year plan with your goals and how much money you need to reach them.

Once you have the long-term plan is easier to define the short term.

In the short term, you need to control all your expenses.

Know exactly how much you spend per month and what you spend it on.

There are several tools you can use to control your finances, like Excel or others.

Make a monthly and yearly budget and assign percentages.

Assign a percentage for savings, another for an emergency fund. A percentage to invest and to expenses.

If you do this you will be closer to financial freedom

5. Invest

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Those who work on a 9 to 6 job, seeking a better life, realize this:

Your salary will never be enough to reach freedom.

If you depend on your salary, you will NEVER enjoy Financial Freedom.

You need to learn how to appoint your salary.

More even,

You need to learn How to Invest.

Investing is the key.

You have to know how to find the best Investments without being influenced by others.

Be strong in your convictions, even if the path is not easy in the beginning.

For this, you must find investments that will give you the best results.

At Midas Bet, we defend that the best Investments are to Invest in Football Betting and Cryptocurrency.

Obviously, you can also have other investments.

Yet, we have already proven and fight every day to prove that these are the best investments.

When investing in Football Betting, the approach you have to take is the same as investing in any other kind of investment.

If you do this, you will have a much higher return compared to more traditional investments.

The same applies in the cryptocurrency market

6. Savings

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Saving money is a fundamental step on your journey to financial freedom.

You can set a percentage you want to save based on your salary. For example, 10% to 30%.

Choose a Saving Account that offers low risk and good interest rates.

In Cryptocurrency, you can find rates up to 12%.

You must understand that your money in the bank is only good to pay to the bank itself.

7. Invest in your Future

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An important point that should be considered is the investment in your future.

In your Education.

Financial Freedom only depends on You.

Follow and apply these tips and you will be closer to reach it.

Let us know in the comments what are your tips.

What do you already do?

What is missing for you to reach Your Financial Freedom?

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Midas Bet is a Football Betting and a Cryptocurrency Publisher. #JOINTHEREVOLUTION.